Ukrainian Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Malyar said the fighting in Bakhmut had “escalated,” as Russian forces attempt to break through […]
Excess morality rates: What do they tell us about the state of public health in Europe?
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak COVID-19 a global pandemic. The spread of […]
Who is Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and can he beat Turkey’s President Erdoğan?
After months of negotiations, an alliance of six Turkish opposition parties has finally chosen its candidate for the presidential election. […]
Russian paramilitary Wagner group taking ‘tactical pause’ in Bakhmut
Private mercenary group Wagner appears to be taking a “tactical pause” in Bakhmut, the US think tank the Institute for […]
Poland divided after TV documentary alleges Pope John Paul II hid paedophilia
A documentary focused on Pope John Paul II’s alleged knowledge of paedophilia and sexual assault within the Catholic Church in Poland […]
‘We have to normalise relations’ with Serbia, Kosovo’s Prime Minister tells Euronews
Ahead of highly anticipated talks between Serbia and Kosovo on the 18th March in North Macedonia, Euronews reporter Sergio Cantone […]
Israel pushes for increased gas exports to Italy
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says his country wants to ‘increase’ its gas exports to Italy. Netanyahu, who is currently […]
‘Class war’: London’s street markets cling on against ‘gentrification’
Bright and early last Saturday, Tina Daley set up her stall at East Street Market in London. She stood for […]
European leaders must deliver a renovation wave that leaves no one stranded
Even before the energy crisis struck, 50 million people across the European Union were living in energy poverty, unable to […]
‘There is no life, everything is on autopilot’: Ukrainians in Kherson live under constant threat
Late last year, Kherson residents greeted Ukraine’s armed forces as the city was liberated following more than eight months of […]